Pixilate in this digital fiction
a symphonic swarm
performance-concentric topography
Chaos holds hands with seedpod
like faraway nano-bassoons encapsulate
moon dirt for self-replication.
Monkeys dream in algorithms, shed egoic playpens
like daydreams. Storyline logic occupies
pocket rocket ships, kindergarten self-storage
the free-toy clock-pile race for the next jeweled binky.
But don’t accuse my bicycle
construct of trillionaire astronomy art
just because you can’t radiate
everything you are.
Plastic spinner-ballerinas noodling
kiddie-pool super-hero suits charm me
serene, babbly.
The fractal pom-pom stalks
of knobby-tread earrings hung together
coffin-plush in a car. Mushroom cloud
ideas. Causality’s curves umbilical, buzzing
neutrino jackets lemony, magenta.
Tangy, how landscape modulates us,
caramel a pinprick non-spatial upload.