Challenge 966
Minor Mysteries
In Nemo West’s The Lost Wreck of the Spero:
- Do you think the story could be expanded into a novel or series of novels?
- For what audience do you think this work and, possibly related works, would be best intended?
In Maurice Humphrey’s Out of the Darkness of Space:
- Does Major Weller volunteer for a solitary three-year tour of duty as keeper of the outpost or is he assigned to it?
- Derring is said to look like “a small [...] orangutan.” Are we ever told what Myla looks like?
In Jeffrey Greene’s The Compatible:
- Why does Koeppen go to visit Amir? Is the meeting voluntary or required?
- How does one become a Black Card holder?
In Chris Yodice’s A Good Deal:
- How does the Devil — a.k.a. Mr. Rodman — profit from the “deal” with Michael Albene? Is his part in the bargain ever specified or is it obvious how Michael has “sold his soul”?
- What hint indicates that Mr. Rodman is ageless?
- Does Michael’s wife, Mary, know or suspect what her husband has done?
What is a Bewildering Stories Challenge?