Challenge 769
Happiness? What’s That?
In P. C. Keeler’s Time After Time, the story is a joke about time-travel paradoxes. How else is the story humorous?
In Mike Acker’s Celestial Metaphors: When poetic images have become clichés, how can a poet revive them afresh? Is it necessary to wait till they’re forgotten?
In Arthur Whitaker’s Happiness for Sale:
- What does the opening tell the reader about Beatrice Underwood?
- Why should Miss Underwood be officially unhappy? What advantages should make Nova officially happy?
- What constitutes happiness?
In Liana V. Andreasen’s At Taft Point:
- What modes of happiness do the group memebers enact or represent?
- At what point can the reader begin to form doubts or suspicions about the group’s purpose?
- How does Mister Rex persuade the group to sacrifice itself? Why do his followers think they’re doing a good thing? Or do they?
- Does the sacrifice implicitly deny good and endorse evil committed in the past? If not, what else does it do?
What is a Bewildering Stories Challenge?