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Rod, Rex and Rhoda

by Bob Brill

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Rex the Wonder Dog


“And now, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Rex the Wonder Dog.”

The band strikes up Rex’s special music and Rex comes prancing into the ring, a bright red bow around his neck. He snaps up the kibble I toss him.

We run through our act. Rex dances with Rhoda, jumps through flaming hoops, walks on two legs, does all the clever maneuvers that circus dogs do.

Finally I say, “Ladies and gentlemen, now Rex will demonstrate his amazing mental powers. My lovely assistant, Rhoda, has been circulating among you and has selected a member of the audience.”

“I have a young lady here, Professor Blasingame. This is Mary Post. She attends the George Washington Elementary School in Morganville.”


“Excellent. Wonderful. Mary, please reach into Rhoda’s bowl of numbers, draw out a card and pass it to Rhoda. Thank you, Mary. Now, Rhoda, say nothing, make no gestures, so there can be no way to signal me or Rex. Very good.”

Rhoda concentrates all her energy on transmitting that number to my mind and I focus on transmitting the number to Rex.

“Now Rex, if you know the number that has been chosen, tell the audience what it is.”

Rex barks six times.

“Rhoda, please tell us the number on the card.”

“Professor Blasingame, the number is six.”

“Please pass the card around the audience. Let them see how clever our Rex is.”

Rhoda passes the card to someone in the first row. The astonishment grows as the card is passed from hand to hand. Little by little the audience breaks into vigorous applause.

I give Rex his kibble and he jumps onto the teeterboard. I stomp on the other end with just the right amount of force. Rex flies into the air, does a double somersault, lands in Rhoda’s arms and licks her face. The band bursts into a rollicking melody and the clowns come tumbling and cartwheeling into the ring as we bow our way out.

The band swings into the elephant music and we scurry out of the way, arms about each other’s waists, Rex circling our feet, as the elephants, already in step with the music, head toward the arena eager to do their dance.

Copyright © 2010 by Bob Brill

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