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Alessandro’s Unexpected Traverse

by Michael Alan Potter

part 4 of 5

“This is our ship,” she stated. It looked to Justin like the classic flying saucer; on its side was an insignia of a serpent entwined in a vine. He walked up a ramp and found there were chairs and a band around the inside through which he could see out like a window.

“I didn’t see a window on the outside,” said Justin.

“There are sensors on the outside that transmit a picture thru the hull of the ship.”

She strapped Justin into a chair as one of the two male pilots closed the door. Justin heard a humming base note and knew the ship had started. It lifted up off the floor.

A door in front of the ship opened and they flew through it. He could see on the screen as they flew above the crater and soon left the Moon far below. The saucer moved fast but he felt little gravity force. However, there were feelings of disorientation and he was forced at times to lean this way and that. There were pressures in Justin’s head and his sore nose. He felt like he was going to be sick.

She came up behind him and put her hands on his shoulders and he felt much better. His neck was no longer stiff, his body no longer ached, his nose and ankle no longer hurt and he became aware again of her femaleness.

Wanting to talk to her he asked the god like creature, “Do you believe in god?”

“There is a creative driving force,” she waved her arm at all the stars in the universe. “Where do you think it all came from, nothing?”

Justin could see the Moon above and the Earth below him. They had traveled almost 240,000 miles instantly and they were slowing down for Earth reentry.

“How did that happen? How did we get here so fast?” Justin asked her astonished.

“All points are related,” she said sounding blasé. “We were at one point and now we are at another.”

“How come no one sees these ships in space?” he asked her.

“Well it’s here and it isn’t here. It’s hard to explain.”

“It’s in another dimension?”

“Sort of but it’s still here. It’s like this...”

The ship made an unexpected lurching emergency move.

Justin could see a pink laser light shoot up at them from the Earth but they were already safely out of the way.

The conversation was terminated as they came hurtling down into the atmosphere. It appeared that they were going to crash into the North Pole ice cap and Justin prepared to die but the ship kept going and cut right through the fog and clouds and then went down a hole in the ice and kept going.

They flew at high speed through a dark tunnel similar to the one in which he had found the cylinder. The ship was twisting and turning rapidly as it negotiated a high speed and convoluted path through numerous tunnels. Justin was feeling ill again. He tried shutting his eyes but that made him feel worse.

When they came out of the tunnels and into the open again Justin saw that there was a black sun casting a smoky light. There were flying triangular ships in the sky and shiny pyramids on the ground among numerous palm trees. They flew over a face made of stone as big as a mountain.

They came down in a city and landed on a cement field and debarked from the craft. Justin could see something in the far distance past the black sun. The sky looked brown and green.

As they walked to a building Justin asked, “What is that way over there?”

“That’s the other side of the Earth,” she said.

“The other side?”

“You are inside the Earth. We come in through the North Pole; the reptiles use the South Pole. The reptiles live over there.”

Justin shuddered. “I thought the inside of the Earth was molten rock,” he said.

“It can be molten for hundreds of miles beneath the crust in places but then it gets hard again. So here we are in the hollow center.”

Inside the building they met a delegation of city residents who were waiting for them. Justin was handed over to a male guide with coifed white hair and loose white linens with gold trim. He did not want to leave the Nordic woman.

“What should I do with my life?” he pleaded with her.

“Just try not to do evil.”

“How can I do that?”

“Your soul has strength. Give it credit and a chance to develop,” she told him and then walked away.

“You came the hard way. Not many do that,” said his new guide. “My name is Miles. Let me show you the local sights while you are here.”

As they walked away Justin asked, “Why is the sun black?”

“It is a plasma ball which uses the Earth’s magnetic center to stay in place. It is actually the earth’s iron core with an electrical charge on it so that it creates light.”

The guide took him into a large building and pointed out to Justin various alien looking devices he could not make head or tail of. He saw something that looked like a ‘flying carpet’ between a ten thousand year old flying machine and a modern looking heavy metal triangle shaped ship.

They continued on to another building. “You might say this is our natural history museum.”

They entered a zoo like area where a centaur galloped by.

Justin was shocked to see a man with a falcon head, standing at a work bench apparently doing an alchemical experiment, look at him with very intense eyes.

“We call him Horus,” said Miles. “He is very long lived.”

They moved on to a pond where a mermaid sat with a half dog half fish creature which watched Justin aggressively. “Originally these dog fish were created as underwater watchdogs.”

As they walked away he thought he saw a plesiosaur feeding on the pond bank in the distance.

“Remnants of genetic testing,” Miles said by way of explanation.

“What do you know of the yeti?” asked Justin trying to sound casual.

“The yeti and Bigfoot were attempts to create a psychic human ape combination but they escaped because they can go in and out of dimensions.”

This explained to Justin how the yeti was able to appear in front of him.

They entered a palace with huge oversized furniture and took what looked like a well appointed tall freight elevator up several floors.

“What is this place?” asked Justin.

“The hall of the master. You might call him the true master because technically he is in control of earth’s fate now.”

They walked to a balcony overlooking the city and approached a ten foot tall man with red hair.

“This is our topside visitor by way of the Moon,” said Miles introducing Justin.

The huge man turned and regarded Justin who was intimidated into speechlessness. He was torn between wanting to run away and wanting to stay to satisfy his curiosity. To Justin the man seemed ageless but he looked like he could be in his forties.

“Welcome to your short visit with us,” said the giant beneficently in a deep voice.

Justin was unsure of what this meant and looked puzzled.

“Have you any questions?” asked the giant.

“Have you always been inside of the Earth? Where did you come from?” asked Justin.

“We came down here at the last sun cycle upheaval many thousands of years ago. Our land was called Atlantis. Perhaps you have heard of it? The Atlantic Ocean was named after our country. We hewed the huge stones of Baalbeck. We carved and transported the giant stones the great pyramid and the Acropolis were built on. Humans looked up to us and called us gods. We were called the Annunaki and Nefilim. You may have seen the stone face down here when you flew in. That face was the inspiration for the sphinx. Of course our inspiration had been the face on Mars.”

Outside the balcony a heavily loaded vehicle floated by without any sound.

“How does it fly so quietly?” asked Justin.

“It is an anti-gravity device,” said the master.

“Anti-gravity! Why don’t you give it to the people above ground to solve the energy problem?”

“What makes you think your government does not already have it?”

“The government knows about you?”

“We have been dealing with them for decades.”

“Why don’t you openly give or sell your technology on the market to humans?”

“Humans would go to war and subjugate others to profit only for themselves with any technological advantage. The problem with humans is that you have not tamed your aggressive instincts. You have the emotions of cavemen. We have the capability of overcoming our animal nature but this is apparently too difficult for you people.

“Your kind is not sufficiently spiritually advanced. Your churches fight with each other. They preach that their god is merciful and then they kill each other to prove whose god is the more merciful. Can you not see the hypocrisy? Religious dogma makes you sick enough to go to war which is evil.

“The majority of humans are good but your societies are getting more politically extreme. You become ever more militant without check. You need to realize that you arm yourselves out of greed and fear. Your race is unstable, whatever position one takes, another will take the opposite just to condemn them. There are individuals who will commit heinous acts just to set even more awful precedents and inflame the public. Any effective political leader runs the risk of assassination and you get left with the dross. You let your leaders steal elections and then you let them mislead you into unnecessary wars. Tell me, what did you do about it?”

“I voted...”

“Anything else?”


“You could have done more.”

Justin looked down at the ground.

“Your race is out of harmony because you think money is more important than the reality of nature and in consequence nature will turn on you. Nature dictates reality not political bias. You have a slave based economy; you make money your master. How else can you get somebody to do the dirty jobs except by forcing them to work for money? Other cultures just do what needs to be done to help everyone. The human still has the greedy monkey factor in its genetic make up and this is why you destroy everything. We will not let you destroy the Earth.”

“Why is Earth so important?”

“It is an oasis in the hostile environment of space and they are few and far between. Nuclear wars on the surface have been prevented by alien intervention. That is something else your government will not tell you. We will protect the Earth from you if you will not do it. We will not help you until you learn to control your population,” he had a look on his face that said ‘if this is not obvious then it is too late for you’.

Proceed to part 5...

Copyright © 2008 by Michael Alan Potter

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