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Bewildering Stories

Challenge 227

Who’s at the Helm?

  1. Rewrite Nilanjan Dev’s “Truth and Visitations” as flash fiction, i.e. up to 1,000 words.

  2. In Thomas Lee Joseph Smith’s “Plan B,” who is steering the narrator’s and Catherine’s boat? How do they disembark? How do they get back on the boat?

  3. Does the style of Walt Trizna’s “Elmo’s Sojourn” remind you of that of any classic science fiction author? If so, whose?

    What peculiar properties of Elmo’s time-space wormhole generator make possible an unusual reunion with Mildred?

  4. How does Pete Carter use personification in “The Speed of Silence”? What is its effect?

  5. What are the elements of comedy and tragedy in R D Larson’s “Blood Links”? What is the effect of mixing them?

Responses welcome!

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