Bewildering Stories

Bewildering Stories Editorial


by Jerry Wright

Well, I said that the title of this little ditty was "philosophy" so I suppose I should just jump right in.

When thinking, this evening, of what I should be writing about in my "Editorial Section", I thought about Swinburne and quotation I used in my review of ESB's Cobble. Swinburne bothers me. A lot.

It has been years since I had anything to do with the Victorian Poets, and what discussions and research is packed deeply away in the interstices of my neurons. Swinburne talked a lot about God (more specifically the Christian God) and my feeling is that he didn't much care for HIM. (Caps to clarify...)

But that's okay. It reminds me of O so many Science Fiction stories where the immortal finally checks out of life due to ennui. He's bored, for he's done it all, and there is nothing left. How pathetic. Boring lives are led by people with no resources, either external, or internal. Those with little or no external resources (money, etc.) still often lead lives of great depth and meaning, and are never bored, because they have internal resources. Those with no internal resources, even with "all the money in the world" will eventually find themselves bored.

So... How do we develop these internal resources, and what might they be? It's almost Midnight, Pacific time, so I'll leave that for a future time, or perhaps we'll have a response, either in letters, or in the Forum.

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