Bewildering Stories Editorial
by Jerry Wright
The Competition
There's no place like this place anywhere near this place, so this must be the place. Okay, first, click on this link, and then don't come back until you've played for a while...
The Dark Tower over at is truly incredible.
A comment:
The project above was a labor of love for Cris Glenn, a certified Macromedia instructor and flash animator from Aardvark Animation. "I am a nostalgic game collector, and I try to add as many unique games as possible to my collections," said Glenn. "I was the first in my neighborhood to own the original Dark Tower board game, and have never seen another game that improved upon its balance of electronic versus board gameplay in the fantasy genre."
I'll have to thank the boys at Revolution SF for that. But I've been surfing the SF4theLuv sites at Ralan's, and you know, a lot of them are dead, but those that aren't are just...
Riilly, rilly, like, you know, unprofessional.
So now I need to check out the Pay sites. I know SciFiction is top of the heap, so I'll just go down from there.
I should know better than to compose (or is that compost) on line. Once again I lost 400 words of valuable prose about the missing Invincible Spud. And about the fact that we have one of the easiest to read and enjoy webzines around. And that I lay our readability at the feet of Don of the Webbs. And you know, he and I together form WebbWrights. Hmmm.
Copyright © 2004 by Jerry Wright for Bewildering Stories