In the Depths
by Bill Bowler
The Approach
No more day and night,
Just periods of light
And periods of darkness
And then, just darkness
As we hurtle through
The space-time continuum
Towards nowhere and nothing
With no time left
And no place to go.
The young bride has withered,
Weakened, sinking,
Sinking deep, her children weep,
Now I lay me down to sleep,
Perchance to dream... I asked her,
“Are you dreaming?”
“Are you thinking?”
“Just floating and drifting?”
Hatching Schemes
He was killing time
waiting for it to be over
to just get through it
plowing through garbage
eating a jelly donut
day in, day out
hounding people
over meaningless bullshit
when the river reversed its flow
Copyright © 2013 by
Bill Bowler